
CoinCeller Software – Best Fake Bitcoin Sender Software in 2022


This product contain the pc version, android version and ios version (All in one)

CoinCeller is a mobile and PC software which enables you to send Fake Bitcoins to anyone.. It works like Flash Funds but this time, it’s for Bitcoin money.

With CoinCeller, You can send Fake Bitcoin to anyone’s wallet and get it credited to their balance. Any fake Bitcoins sent through CoinCeller will be cleared from receivers balance after 14days

Am sure you are still wondering how this can make you money.. Don’t worry i will show you the whole process. But before then, here are some things you might want to know.

  • ✅Duration is 14days
  • ✅The coins are tradable or Transferable within these period
  • ✅Transferable to 6wallets maximum
  • ✅Activation code does not expire
  • ✅4 times daily usage

How to Make Money With CoinCeller

If You are regular coin dealer online then you must have heard of guys who sell fake Bitcoins. Most of this Guys use CoinCeller “Here’s how”.

You Get customers online who want to buy bitcoin, they are everywhere on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

You send Bitcoin to them using Coinceller software and demand other currencies as a mode of payment even given them discounts such as CASH transfer, payoneer, PayPal, cash app, perfect money, Skrill etc

Now, they will Pay you using any of the above real currencies while you send them Bitcoin (fake). It will show in their balance and deal closed. Before the money disappear from their Wallet, your deeds are already done.

Alternatively, there are many people who are willing to get paid through Bitcoins for what they sell. You can also purchase anything through Bitcoin sending them fake Bitcoin money.

I get Bitcoin Buyers through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Even if they want me to send first before making payment, I don’t hesitate because i have nothing to loss. But below is one thing you must know.

CoinCeller Have 4 Daily Flash Limits

With CoinCeller, You can send any amount of Bitcoin to any wallet address but you can’t send more than 4 times daily.

Even if you send $1 each to four persons, Your limit for that day has passed. Same thing as sending as high as $100000 each to four persons daily. Am sure you understand what it means.

As soon as your daily limit is exceeded, you can’t send again until the next day. If you got more clients, then you will have to wait for the next day before sending again.

Download CoinCeller Software for Android, PC or iPhone

CoinCeller have both mobile and PC version. Also work on IPhone. So even if you have only android or iPhone, you can comfortably use CoinCeller.





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